Avengers: Infinity War caught everyone off-guard when they killed off half of the hero roster, and everyone is on the edge of their seats waiting for the first trailer for Avengers 4. If you want to see the likes of Spider-Man or Doctor Strange though, I guess you'll have to wait for the movie to come out before you could see them again.
This comes from MCU Cosmic's Jeremy Conrad:
With a huge chunk of the story would be about bringing everyone back, I think it's only fitting that we don't get any hints on how any of the ‘dusted' characters will be brought back to life. If anything, Spider-Man: Far from Home pretty much confirms that all the heroes (at least Spider-Man) will be making it out alive. The main question is how they'll be brought back.
The Avengers 4 trailer was originally set to come out this morning, but seeing that it was announced as a national day of mourning due to George H.W. Bush's death, Marvel was wisely opted to push back the release. At least we don't have to wait that long as multiple sources are saying that the final release date will be this Friday at 9 AM. Add to that, we're also getting new previews for Shazam!, Spider-Man: Far from Home, and Godzilla: King of Monsters.
Catch Avengers 4 when it hits theaters May 3, 2019.
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