Doctor Strange is the Sleeper Hit We Didn’t Expect From Marvel

Marvel has bet a lot on Doctor Strange when it announced the franchise's own standalone movie. But this seems to be one of the great decisions of the studio, as the movie has continued to rise in rank among the other Marvel movies.

According to, it has even surpassed other titles in the currently 14-movie line-up to secure itself seventh place among all the released movies so far. As far as numbers go, Doctor Strange is even a good contender to rival Guardians of the Galaxy, another sleeper hit that proves proper storytelling can make moviegoers interested in an unfamiliar franchise.

Doctor Strange has already earned $222 million in domestic ticket sales. It has also earned $425 in international showings, which brings the total to $647 million worldwide.

It has been a good addition to the franchise, not only because some of the earlier movies-turned-trilogies are coming to pass. Doctor Strange also managed to provide a new way to expand the Marvel Cinematic Universe with just one movie. Its entry into the MCU has injected an element of magic in a world that already contains super-powered humans, high-tech suits, and Asgardian gods.

Doctor Strange is in theaters, while there are three movies lined up for 2017, namely Guardians of the Galaxy 2 (May 5), Spider-Man: Homecoming (July 7), and Thor: Ragnarok (Nov. 3).

Read:Chris Evans may unleash his dark side in Jekyll.

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