Also known as Kamisama Kiss, Kamisama Hajimemashita is a Japanese manga illustrated and written by Julietta Suzuki. It was serialized by Hakusensha in Hana to Yume, a shojo manga magazine. The series got an anime adaptation that aired in October 2012. International fans can watch the series on Funimation.
The story focuses on Nanami Momozono who ends up being homeless since she cannot pay for her rent and her father has a lot of debts under her name. One day, she saves a mysterious man from a dog who offered her to stay at his home to return the kindness she gave him. The man, named Mikage, turned out to be a former Earth Deity and his house turned up to be a shrine for worship. Nanami became the new deity, and she lives with the shrine’s keeper, Tomoe, the familiar of Mikage.
Do Tomoe and Nanami End Up Together in Kamisama Kiss Explained
Nanami and Tomoe did not have a good relationship at first since Tomoe did not want to consider Nanami as his new master. But since they were living together, the two started opening up to each other. As Nanami worked hard to be the Earth Deity, she found herself falling for Tomoe, and he felt the same way too.
Tomoe rejected her at first because he believed that love between a yokai and a human is taboo. But since their feelings for each other grew, he found himself loving her the more he tried to control his feelings.
Nanami traveled back to the past to remove Tomoe’s curse. She hid her true identity and pretended to be Yukiji, his first love and who happened to be Nanami’s ancestor. Eventually, he realized that the woman he fell in love with in the past was Nanami. The two of them started their relationship, and Tomoe then aspired to become human so he could be by her side.
The two of them became engaged by Chapter 124 and got married in the last OVA of the series. Both of them became human and had a baby boy.
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