Deadpool and Wolverine Projected to Have the Biggest Opening Weekend Box Office This Year

Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool in Deadpool and Wolverine
Credit: Marvel Studios

Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool in Deadpool and Wolverine
Credit: Marvel Studios

Deadpool and Wolverine is poised to break opening weekend box office records when it arrives in theaters next month.

A lot of MCU fans have been anticipating the release of the upcoming film due to many reasons whether it's the titular heroes teaming up for the first time, Ryan Reynolds' Deadpool finally being part of the MCU, or its multiversal aspect and cameos.

There are a lot of stakes for its release since it is seen as the film that could save the MCU after the underwhelming reception of some of its releases in the past few years and set the tone for the franchise moving forward.

Deadpool and Wolverine Opening Weekend Box Office Projections Revealed

According to a report, Deadpool and Wolverine is currently being projected by box office analysts to earn between $200-239 million in its opening weekend. The number will likely increase in the coming weeks.

If the film ends up hitting the $200 million mark in its opening weekend box office, it will become the highest opening ever for an R-rated movie and the biggest opening weekend box office so far this year.

Inside Out 2, another Disney film, currently holds the record of the biggest opening weekend box office this year with $155 million, surpassing expectations and seen as one of the saviors of the summer season.

Considering the hype that we've seen online and its impressive ticketing sales, it's not surprising to hear that Deadpool and Wolverine will end up becoming a major box office juggernaut in its opening weekend.

This is also the type of box office performance that Marvel Studios needs in the aftermath of The Marvels' unfortunate disaster last year.

As we're six weeks away from its release, you can expect the projections to be higher and likely reach the $250 million mark which makes it an all-timer box office record as only a few films were able to achieve that.

It is interesting to see how it all plays out in the coming weeks, and hopefully, the quality of the film will also live up to the massive hype.

Deadpool and Wolverine is set to arrive in theaters this July 26.

Are you excited to see Deadpool and Wolverine? Let us know in the comments!

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