DC Comics Writer Defends Margot Robbie's Portrayal of Harley Quinn

Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

Birds of Prey made its debut last weekend which features the return of Margot Robbie's Suicide Squad character, Harley Quinn, joined by an all-female ensemble. While Robbie's portrayal of Harley is loved by most people, there are some who aren't quite fond of the actress' take on the character.

Co-writer of the Harley Quinn comic series, Jimmy Palmiotti, recently took to Twitter to defend Robbie's portrayal. He says her take on the character is "exactly" as they have been writing the character since 2013. Palmiotti then suggested to those who didn't like Robbie's portrayal to check out 3-800 pages of collections so they could make the comparison. You can check out his tweet below.

Whether you like it or not, Robbie isn't done with playing the part of the Cupid of Crime. She is already set to reprise her character and is currently filming for James Gunn's The Suicide Squad in Panama. Robbie is actually one of the few actors returning for the reboot, including Jai Courtney's Captain Boomerang, which makes up for only two of them from the group in the 2016 film.

Although there are some people who didn't like her portrayal of Harley, having support from Palmiotti and even Birds of Prey writer Gail Simone, people who know the character more than anyone, is already big enough support.

What are your thoughts on Palmiotti's tweet? Do you think Robbie's portrayal is in line with the character? Tell us in the comments below!

Birds of Prey is now showing in theaters and The Suicide Squad is set for release on August 6, 2021.

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