Star Wars: Dave Filoni Addresses George Lucas' Potential Return in the Franchise

George Lucas in James Cameron's Story of Science Fiction interview
Credit: AMC

George Lucas in James Cameron's Story of Science Fiction interview
Credit: AMC

Dave Filoni recently opened up about the potential return of George Lucas in the Star Wars franchise.

Since he sold the ownership of Lucasfilm to Disney in 2012, Lucas has not been directly involved in any of the new Star Wars projects that were made since then as he let Kathleen Kennedy's management shepherd the franchise's new direction without his input.

Fans are still wondering whether Lucas will end up getting involved again in the franchise at some point in the future. After all, he is the person responsible for creating the galaxy far, far away.

Dave Filoni on George Lucas' Potential Star Wars Return

In a recent interview, Filoni was asked about the possibility of Lucas returning to work on the Star Wars franchise.

He responded by saying that the doors are open for the Star Wars creator to return and joked that he could enter their office anytime since they are renting his building in Skywalker Ranch.

"We rent the building I work in from George. He has the keys, anyway. He can come right in. He has the pass," the Ahsoka showrunner said.

"Whatever he'll come up with, it will be different. He was always surprising on whatever he will do. He would push things."

Filoni also admitted that he still occasionally asks for advice from Lucas from time to time.

"You know, I have a lot of mentoring from him and the answer is yes, I do every now and then, but it's got to be something really important for me to go and see come out now. Even when I do it, it feels very mythical to go before him and talk, and he's the most humble guy," he shared.

While it is highly unlikely that Lucas will ever make his return to the franchise, it is great to hear that Filoni is leaving the door open for his potential comeback if he has an idea that he wants to push.

After all, Lucas is the person who knows Star Wars the best and there is no doubt that his take will always be valuable even if you may not agree with some of his choices.

However, considering the franchise has vastly evolved since Disney's acquisition, it's hard to see the possibility of them inviting Lucas back to contribute to the franchise as they have taken a creative direction that is different from what he wanted before he gave the keys to the Mouse House.

Would you like to see Lucas return to the franchise? Let us know in the comments!

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