Daisy Ridley Reveals One Mysterious Word to Tease The Rise of Skywalker

Credit: Lucasfilm

Credit: Lucasfilm

We're getting closer to the release of the highly-anticipated movie The Rise of Skywalker. With only a few weeks away, Star Wars fans can't quite grasp what's about to happen in the film yet, especially since the cast and crew have been keeping the details under wraps. Everyone is tight-lipped when it comes to specific information, but Daisy Ridley gives a cryptic tease about the movie.

In a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly, Ridley was asked to reveal one word that'll serve as a clue to what's about to happen in Episode IX. The actress immediately mentioned what came to mind. "Cyclops," Ridley answered. That's it.

There's no telling what this implies to the film, especially since we weren't exactly provided with any context. It could either be a scene where someone loses an eye, or that a creature with one eye is set to appear unexpectedly. She could also be referring to the Clops, which was a smuggling vessel used during the Galactic Civil War. Either way, there's surely a lot of theories expected to come out which surrounds the mysterious word she gave out.

In another interview, while she didn't particularly mention any spoilers, Ridley revealed that the film needs a "second viewing." She claims there's "a lot" of stuff that is going to happen, so there's a lot to "digest" as well. She advises everyone to not even go to the bathroom in order to not miss anything.

What do you make of Ridley's one-word reveal? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker hits theaters on December 20.

Also Read: The Rise of Skywalker to Feature New Force Powers that Could 'Infuriate' Star Wars Fans

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