It has been several months since Cowboy Bebop was cancelled after just one season but it looks like fans have not given up on the live-action adaptation of the beloved anime. The petition begging Netflix to renew the series for a second season is now closing in on 150,000 signatures. If it reaches this goal, it will be one of the top signed petitions on the website!
The petition was started soon after it was announced that Cowboy Bebop has been cancelled after the release of its first season. Since then, thousands of fans have signed the petition, pointing out that Season 2 will be even more exciting and sharing their hopes that the Bebop crew will be reunited in the future.
The last time we checked, the petition was almost at 100,000 signatures. Since then, fans have been signing by the thousands, expressing their expectations for Cowboy Bebop Season 2. As of writing, the petition is at 139,756 signatures. You can sign it here.

But what can fans expect in Cowboy Bebop Season 2 if the series does return on Netflix? The first season concluded with the Bebop crew defeating Vicious but also deciding to disband. However, we got to see the injured Spike Spiegel being found by Radical Ed who had taken Ein with him. Ed then tells Spike he had found a new bounty and that they will be going after the Butterfly Man.
If we are getting Cowboy Bebop Season 2, there's a good chance we'll see the Bebop crew being reunited as they go up against Vincent Volaju. Hopefully, this means we'll be taking a trip to Alba City.
For now, there is no update on whether Cowboy Bebop will be brought back for a second season. In the meantime, fans can continue streaming the first season, which is still available on Netflix.
Related: New Cowboy Bebop Comic Released After Netflix Show Cancellation