Concept Art for Solo: A Star Wars Story Shows Alternate Designs for Millennium Falcon

Solo: A Star Wars Story gave us an alternate take on the Millennium Falcon with a different satellite dish and an escape pod in the front. As it turns out, the Falcon was very close to looking very different in the movie.

Thanks to DK Publishing, we have some alternate designs for Lando's Falcon in the movie. Check them out:

Here's also a description:

The Art Department spent months imagining possibilities for an earlier version of the Falcon, building on classic shapes and designs envisioned for the original films by Joe Johnston and Ralph McQuarrie. A page of sketches by Patrick Faulwetter show the range of options considered.

Though the alternate designs for the Falcon do look cool, I like the final product that we ended up getting in the movie. It still had that classic Falcon feel, with only a few bits and pieces ending up different. Though I personally would have loved to see the front escape pod used more efficiently, I like the movie's explanation on how it ended up lost.

Solo: A Star Wars Story didn't perform as expected during its opening weekend, but Disney and Lucasfilm are holding out that the film will eventually catch on in a few weeks. A lot of factors are being considered as to why it's underperforming, and some consider it's either because of the mixed critic reviews or the clear lack of marketing.

Solo: A Star Wars Story is now in theaters.

See Also: Star Wars Comic Artist Imagines Taika Waititi as Boba Fett

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