Check Out What Chris Evans Might Look Like As The DCEU’s Man Of Steel

BossLogic's been pretty these past few days, flooding the internet with comic book switch up where he imagines Marvel and DC stars as their counterpart characters. The past few days, the pop culture graphic artist has been imagining what Gal Gadot might look like as Black Widow, what Scarlett Johansson might look like as Wonder Woman, and what Robert Downey Jr. might look like as the DC Extended Universe's Dark Knight.

Now, it looks like BossLogic's decided to do the flip on the Marvel Cinematic Universe's Captain America, turning Chris Evans into the DCEU's Man of Steel. Taking to Twitter, the artist's little concept art piece sparked some pretty interesting discussions over whether or not Evans would really make a good Superman.

Check out the superhero make-over down here:

In the image, fans get to see Evans in the Superman get-up that Zack Snyder put on Clark Kent in Man of Steel, with the suit being a tad bit darker than the character originally had in the comic books. Facing sideways, Evan's blonde hair is darkened to fit the character and the actor's eyes are given a red hue to signify heat vision.

While it's a pretty interesting piece, we're not quite sure whether Evans has the right look for the Man of Steel. Sure, Warner Brothers might have some trouble bringing a good story to the big screen, but the studio sure knows how to cast its actors with Henry Cavill being the perfect fit for the part.

How about you? What do you think of Evans as Superman?

Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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