Check Out the Hondo Ohnaka Animatronic for Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge

Besides the release of Star Wars Episode IX, Lucasfilm is gearing up for the opening of the Disneyland expansion Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge. The park is set to feature expanded universe character Hondo Ohnaka for the Smuggler's Run ride, and Walt Disney Imagineering gives us a look at their animatronic for the character.

Check him out:

While I think his face looks a tad small for this interpretation, he's actually a pretty faithful representation of the Hondo from The Clone Wars. Admittedly he has a different outfit in the series, but I guess his final look for the park is still subject to change.

As for Hondo's role in the park, he's said to be hiring smugglers who can take the Millennium Falcon and do some illegal delivery. What's cool is, depending on how players do on the ride, the experience in the park is said to be subject to change, what with stormtroopers now out looking for a ‘notorious smuggler.'

Just in case you're wondering why Hondo has the Falcon, the in-canon explanation is that Chewbacca and Rey loaned it off to him after the Battle of Crait. We didn't really need it to be part of the story, but I'm pleased that the story group would go through the effort just to add to the immersion of the guests.

Star Wars Galaxy's Edge is set to open Fall of this year.

See Also: Check Out the Costumes for Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge

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