Captain America Star Chris Evans Chosen for Knives Out Because He was a 'Real D*ck'

It might be hard to see Chris Evans as other than the serious and noble Captain America after the years that he's played as Steve Rogers, but Rian Johnson knows just how versatile the Avengers: Endgame star can actually be. According to the Star Wars: The Last Jedi director, he had decided to cast Evans in his new whodunnit film Knives Out because the Marvel star knew just how to be a "d*ck."

Speaking in an interview with Digital Spy to talk about his most recent project, Johnson reveals the reason why Evans had been chosen to star in his film.

Sure, Evans might have what it takes to play the Marvel Cinematic Universe's ever noble Captain America, but according to Johnson he wanted the actor in Knives Out because he's "really good" at playing a "real dick."

"I had seen – obviously, I love Chris in the Marvel movies – but then I saw him in this Kenneth Lonergan play Lobby Hero where he played a real dick. And I was like, 'He's really good at that'. And he's such a good actor," Johnson said.

Captain America might be benevolent and straight-laced, but Evans has a whole lot of versatility as an actor.

"He's got such a range, and I think he enjoyed tapping into this and doing something a bit different."

Evans must be enjoying the novelty playing other roles now that Marvel has closed the final chapter on Captain America in Avengers: Endgame.

Knives Out premieres on November 27, 2019. Avengers: Endgame is currently available on Digital HD. Blu-Ray, and DVD.

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