Black Widow Gets New Character Posters

The Super Bowl always comes with some big reveals, and we just got our first look at upcoming Marvel Disney+ shows like WandaVision and The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. We also got one spot for Black Widow, and now we have some new character poster featuring the central characters.

Check them out:

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via: Marvel Studios

What's annoying is we don't have a poster for the main villain of the movie, Taskmaster. At this point, I think it kind of fuels the theory that Rachel Weisz's Melina is secretly the villain. After all, if Taskmaster was to play a major part, Marvel would have announced the actor at some point already. I mean, what's the point of all this intrigue if Taskmaster wasn't someone we've already met? It's kind of like how you can tell Mysterio was the main villain of Spider-Man: Far from Home because we didn't get too much focus on the film's alleged villains, the Elementals.

Though a lot of people have been waiting for the Black Widow film for a while, Marvel has admittedly been doing a lackluster job when it comes to selling the film. I don't know if it's because they want to hide the main plot, but I don't think any of the trailers have really given us that "wow" factor yet when it comes to the movie. Then again, it's an MCU film, so I imagine its success is already guaranteed.

Catch Black Widow when it hits theaters May 1.

Read Also: Black Widow Trailer Has a Scene Directly Lifted From the Comics

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