Avengers: Infinity War's Joe Russo Says Thanos is 10 Times Worse Than Darth Vader

Avengers: Infinity War is coming out in a month and Marvel Studios are making sure that fans know Thanos is a bad dude. The most recent trailer revealed he was planning to wipe out half of the universe, most likely as a way to please Death. Obviously, this makes him the most dangerous foe that the Avengers have faced yet.

It seems like the Russo Brothers really want fans to know how dangerous he is, with Joe, in particular, claiming that Thanos is 10 times the threat Darth Vader is.

Granted, that's a bit of an obvious statement. Vader wanted to rule the galaxy but he didn't have the power Thanos did, mostly relying on the Force, Palpatine's influence, and stormtroopers for meat shields. Still, even with all of that, he didn't want to wipe out half of the galaxy.

Here's what the Russo Brothers told Cinemablend:

Anthony Russo: Well this movie is sort of [triggered] by Thanos' decision and an opportunity for him to make a very aggressive move for the stones. More so than he has at any point in the past. A more effective move for the stones than he has in the past. So when Thanos decides to do it, he really goes for it. And he's kind of one step ahead of our heroes through the movie. And he puts them through a lot of pain.
Joe Russo: If you took Darth Vader and you multiply him times 10... look, our job with Thanos is to make him the preeminent villain in the Marvel Universe. That is his role in the comics. That's his role in these movies. And in order to be a preeminent villain you have to do some pretty bad things.

While it's a bit of an overstatement, there's no doubt that Thanos will be tough to beat. Add the fact that he has some Infinity Stones and The Black Order at his command, one has to wonder how exactly the Avengers plan on winning. Star-Lord's plan better be good.

Avengers: Infinity War comes out on April 27.

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