Avengers: Endgame Co-Writer Talks About X-Men and Fantastic Four Joining the MCU

The MCU has just closed a huge chapter with Avengers: Endgame, but everyone is already looking to the future of the franchise. The X-Men and Fantastic Four are expected to join the ranks of the heroes in the next few years, and Endgame co-writer Christopher Markus talks about how he thinks Kevin Feige will handle their introduction.

Talking to the LA Times, Markus explains:

"It'll be fascinating to see what Kevin Feige does with the properties he's now getting from the Fox merger with X-Men and Fantastic Four. And to see what the MCU version of those things is, because I very much doubt it will be something that resembles what you've seen before. So that will be very exciting."

For now, we don't have any confirmation on when these Marvel Fox properties will enter the fray, but it's been said that we might not get anything in the next five years. Hopefully we have things getting planned as early as now, because introducing mutants to this MCU is going to be one hell of a task. Are we supposed to believe they've been around this whole time, or is the movie going to suddenly drop mutants into this timeline?

Some think that Fantastic Four will be the first to join the MCU. They're already primed for a reboot, and the old Avengers Tower could very well be set-up to be the next Baxter Building. With Marvel's first family, I was even thinking they could make it a period piece and have them travel into this main timeline with their powers.

I'm just spit-balling here.

No announcement has been made for when the X-Men and Fantastic Four will join the MCU, but you can catch Marvel's current new milestone, Avengers: Endgame, in theaters now.

See Also: Avengers: Endgame Success Goes To Karen Gillan's Head In Hilarious Jumanji 3 BTS Video

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