Ant-Man Fights Alongside Giant Insects in Avengers: Endgame Battle Unused Concept Art

Credit: Marvel Entertainment

Credit: Marvel Entertainment

Despite having a runtime of over three hours, Avengers: Endgame had multiple scenes that didn't make it in the final cut. Lots of deleted scenes and concept arts from the movie are getting revealed since last month. But a new one shows what could've been an epic scene that involves Ant-Man.

A Redditor shared the unused concept art from the Avengers: Endgame - The Art of the Movie. The photo shows a Giant Ant-Man leading an army of enlarged insects, they are fighting alongside the Avengers in the iconic final battle. Having these large insects could be a great opposing force against the large leviathans present in the scene. You can check it out below.

Official unused concept art from Endgame's final battle shows Scott Lang's insects enlarged and fighting alongside the Avengers

It certainly would've been really cool to see these giant insects sprint into action and are seen fighting off Chitauris in the final battle. However, some fans have pointed out that this could be an opportunity to use the said insects in the Ant-Man sequel, and have their moment in the movie.

Aside from the Ant-Man concept art, another unused one shows the Avengers almost wearing completely different Quantum Realm suits. The heroes wore red and white outfits in the movie, but the artbook shows that they could have worn suits with a navy blue color scheme.

For now, there aren't many details regarding the movie, but Ant-Man 3 is expected to be released sometime around 2022.

Would you prefer to have seen Ant-Man together with the group of enlarged insects in the final battle of Avengers: Endgame? Tell us in the comments below!

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