Avengers: Endgame Artbook Reveals Original Quantum Realm Suits

The Avengers: Endgame left Marvel left its mark with some of the Marvel Cinematic Universe's most heartbreaking scenes, some heartfelt moments, the wittiest callbacks, and what will probably be its most legendary moments. Upon the release of its trailers, however, one of the most striking things that blew up the internet was the sleek red and white outfits the Avengers donned, as the movie would reveal, as they descended into the Quantum Realm.

The release of the film's official artbook, however, reveals that these iconic suits which have spawned jackets and several other merchandises originally looked entirely different from what was depicted in the film.

The suits originally had a navy blue color scheme and some sort of field around the facial area. The Avengers logo may also be seen, but overall the design has too many blank spaces that led Marvel to the suits we were served within the film (great choice).

Speaking to Comicbook.com, Endgame Visual Effects Supervisor Russel Earl had this to say about the decision-making process that came with the suits: "I do know that what ends up happening is the suits evolve and change. In this case, I don't think the design of the suit was fully there when they started shooting the scene and I think they were shooting multiple scenes at multiple locations. I read some articles about people saying that the suits are digital. We do it all the time and we don't necessarily call it out."

He further went on to talk about flexibility and how it was also a matter of production, saying, "Where you know, Cap's body will be CG, or Black Panther's body 99 percent of the time is all CG, Spidey, when Tom's just there wearing the suit, that's almost always CG. So I think the decision came once the suits had to grow, go on and off. So you can either choose to have two suits that they would get in and out of. I think it just came down to wanting to have the flexibility to get the design just right and at the time of shooting wasn't quite there."

The red and white suits, of course, have left their mark in pop culture history together with the iconic scene of the Avengers preparing to save all those they have lost "whatever it takes."

Marvel's Avengers: Endgame - The Art of the Movie is now available on Amazon for $42.49.

Related: Avengers: Endgame Concept Art Reveals Major Battle With Thanos' Army

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