Alien: Covenant’s Predecessor Originally Had a Different Direction

From the looks of upcoming Alien films, Ridley Scott may be gearing up for an Alien universe somewhere down the line. It seems that this is what we got, as Alien: Covenant conveniently picks up from where Prometheus ended to extend the universe.

However, based on the original script, Prometheus was actually plotted differently--and not even as a sequel. According to Collider, Jon Spaihts first created the movie with the goal of bringing back the xenomorph and facehuggers. Yet for Damon Lindelof, his take on the script was to bring it to another place, specifically focusing more on the precursors to the xenomorph and putting the spotlight to the Engineers.

The ending of Prometheus itself could've been very different in that, instead of going back to Earth, Dr. Elizabeth Shaw (Noomi Rapace) and android David (Michael Fassbender) would've tried to explore further to go where the Engineers are to understand the goal of destroying humanity.

"This movie has two children: One of these children grows up to be Alien, but the other child is going to grow up, and God knows what happens to them. And that's what the sequel to Prometheus would be."

If that film had been pursued instead, we would've been looking at encountering Engineers who are so aggressive and brilliant, but in the field of "making dreadful devices and weapons that would make our chemical warfare look ridiculous."

Now that the script has evolved, we have to thank that move for the possibility of more Alien movies leading towards a full circle with the original Alien film.

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