Adam Driver and J.J. Abrams Emphasize the Importance of Kylo Ren's Helmet in The Rise of Skywalker

Credit: Lucasfilm

Credit: Lucasfilm

With the release of the first teaser for The Rise of Skywalker, Star Wars fans were surprised to see the comeback of Kylo Ren's helmet that he destroyed in The Last Jedi. The return of the helmet was unexpected but it actually has a much deeper implication.

In a recent interview with Collider, director J.J. Abrams and Kylo Ren addressed the importance of Kylo's helmet in The Rise of Skywalker. "Part of it is about his commitment to the Dark Side," the director said. Abrams claimed this represents his "re-committing" to the Dark Side and to the Knights of Ren. However, this will also represent "a very specific thing that he's about to go do." The director stated "there's a reason for it," even though "it might not be clear at this moment."

As for Driver, he teased that there's a revelation somewhere in the film that'll involve the helmet. The actor said he's hoping for a "good moment" where the audience will "really see him" in the film. "We were talking to people before about masks," Driver added. "That's such a huge iconography of Star Wars that we took for granted." With this in mind, the actor revealed that they had to "reimagine" it.

"What is it about someone who hides himself?" the actor posed a question. He teased that underneath the mask is "something different," and that we'll "maybe" get to see a "surprising" moment in the upcoming movie.

What do you think Kylo Ren's helmet implies in the film? Do you have any theories on what the "surprising" moment would be? Tell us in the comments below!

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker premieres December 20.

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