A Second Shooter In The Cantina? This Greedo Conspiracy Video Explains Massive Cover-Up In Star Wars History

“Who shot first?” between Greedo and Han at the Cantina has been one of the most debated questions ever in the entire history of the Star Wars saga.

We thought the debate was over when Peter Mayhew, the actor who plays Chewbacca, tweeted a series of pages from the original Star Wars script that finally put the argument to rest. He captioned the tweet: “Han Shot First. Period.”

Apparently, for one fan named Brett Farkas, it isn’t entirely over. The Greedo-Truther has created a video explaining possibly the real version of what took place on that fateful day between the young Rodian and smuggler.

Farkas has discovered something shocking – there had been a second shooter in the cantina that day!

Watch the conspiracy unfold below:


It all seems extremely well thought out to be considered a hoax. It could be something that George Lucas has been keeping from us from the very beginning, hence the script didn’t show anything.

If true, this could be the biggest revelation to have hit the galaxy since Luke found out he kissed his sister. 

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