A Documentary Focusing on the Star Wars Prequels is Coming

The Star Wars prequels have caused contentious arguments among Star Wars fans for a long time. Are they good? Bad? Misunderstood? Just kind of there? Well, now a fan has decided to make a documentary about the controversy surrounding the prequels.

The documentary is called The Prequels Strike Back: A Fan's Journey. It's being produced by The Ministry of Cinema, a Texas-based independent film organization. The film focuses on one fan, going around the country and interviewing fellow Star Wars fans about the prequels. You can see the trailer below:

The summary provided along with the video reads:

Nearly two decades after the release of Star Wars: Episode I, Star Wars fans still heatedly debate the merits and the shortcomings of the controversial prequel films that brought to the world Jar Jar Binks, Darth Maul, midichlorians, and a purple lightsaber.

Unsure what to make of the films, a Star Wars fan treks across country interviewing dozens in search of answers. Are the prequel films masterpiece or disaster? Is George Lucas an inconsistent hack or a champion of a singular vision? And most important of all, is there a way to bring balance to the dark and light sides of fandom? As our hero discovers, much to learn, he still has.

The trailer and information on the official website shows that many prominent Star Wars fans will be featured in the documentary, including Kevin Smith (Mallrats, Chasing Amy) and Mike Kilmo, author of Star Wars Ring Theory: The Hidden Artistry of the Prequels. The documentary will be released digitally on September 14th and will premiere in theatres in Austin, Texas on Octobrt 6th.

The trailer seems to lean towards "positive" in its attitude about the prequels. Kevin Smith points out in one bit that the kids who grew up with the prequels likely feel differently than the older generation of Star Wars fans. The trailer ends with the question of "why on earth are we complaining about this?"

While I don't have a frothing hatred for them or anything, I've never been super enthusiastic about the prequels, despite growing up with them. However, this documentary looks potentially interesting. Do you think it's worth a look? What are you feelings on the prequels?

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