Zack Snyder Throws Shade at Joss Whedon's Lame BvS Callback in Justice League

Zack Snyder is finally going to release his version of Justice League and has basically used every chance he can get to crap over the cut Joss Whedon directed and wrote. We'd feel a bit bad for Joss if he wasn't such a prick to the cast and crew if Cyborg actor Ray Fisher has anything to say about it. As we wait for results of the investigation that has been launched, Snyder decided to take a jab at the Batman V Superman callback Whedon tried to add.

During the fight Superman had with the Justice League, he holds Batman by his head and asks if "he bleeds," which is the dumbest way to reference BvS. It made sense in the previous film since Superman is an alien of unknown origin and Batman didn't know if he could bleed. On the other hand, Superman has lived among earthlings for the longest time and knows for a fact that humans bleed.

You could argue that he was trying to intimidate Batman but the fact that he lashed out at the whole group is dumb, even with that cool bit he had with The Flash.

Snyder has assured fans that none of the scenes Whedon and Warner Bros. put up to make the movie more audience-friendly. If any scene from that cut is shown, it's because Snyder cut it and they changed things to make it more "colorful." Needless to say, no matter how you feel about Snyder or his movies, we're sure his version of the Justice League will be a lot better.

Zack Snyder's Justice League is coming to HBO Max sometime next year, with a likely first look coming during Fandome.

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