It looks like there's a brand new update on the Snyder Cut movement and this time it comes from DC Extended Universe director himself, Zack Snyder.
Taking to Vero, the Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice filmmaker decided to reveal a brand new image (via Reddit) from his version of Warner Brothers' Justice League, this time featuring Ryan Choi at STAR LABS. For those who aren't that familiar with the many heroes in the DC Comic Book Universe, Ryan Choi is the third hero to take on the Atom name after filling in the former position of his idol, Ray Palmer (the original Aom) at Ivy University.
DC Fans who've been closely following all the updates on the "Release the Snyder Cut" movement know that there were a number of superheroes cut from Snyder's version of Justice League and now it looks like the director is ready to share those discarded heroes. Atom is just one of the most recently revealed heroes taken out of Justice League. The others include Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern, as well as a young version of Darkseid.
Photos of these heroes prove that Snyder really did have a different vision for Justice League. It's such a shame that Warner Brothers had to treat the director the way they did. After taking a step back from production to mourn the loss of his daughter, WB decided to bring in Avengers director Joss Whedon to handle the reshoots of the movie. What happened after that was a near-total overhaul of what Snyder wanted for the movie. Such a shame, such a shame indeed.
Justice League is available on Blu-Ray, DVD, and Digital HD.
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