Will Tony Stark’s ‘Dummy’ Robot Appear in Avengers: Endgame?

It's been said that Avengers: Endgame would be making several callbacks to the older MCU films, and a LEGO set has somewhat confirmed the return of one ‘character' from the first Iron Man.

Check out the LEGO set for Iron Man and Dum-E:

Though Dum-E is basically just a side character, he does have a lot of noteworthy moments in the first Iron Man film. He was in the infamous test flight scene continuously dousing Stark with the fire hydrant, but by the end of the film, Dum-E saves the day by handing the old arc reactor to Tony while he was desperately trying to grab for it. You can say without him, Tony Stark would have been dead since 2008 and the world would have been filled with Iron Monger suits.

There's still a possibility that Dum-E is only part of the LEGO set and not the actual movie, but I doubt that they'll forget to add him to Endgame. After all, this is the end of over ten years of the MCU. I'm sure a lot of fans who have been there since the first film will be happy to see Dum-E make a return.

Adrift in space with no food or water, Tony Stark sends a message to Pepper Potts as his oxygen supply starts to dwindle. Meanwhile, the remaining Avengers -- Thor, Black Widow, Captain America and Bruce Banner -- must figure out a way to bring back their vanquished allies for an epic showdown with Thanos -- the evil demigod who decimated the planet and the universe.

Avengers: Endgame hits theaters April 26.

See Also: Avengers: Endgame Leak Reveals A Shocking Return

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