Also known as Isekai Ojisan in Japanese, Uncle from Another World is a manga series by Hotondoshindeiru. From the title itself, most viewers will assume that the “Uncle” is the protagonist of the series. But is he the main character or is there another person whose story is being focused on? Who is the protagonist of Uncle from Another World?
The manga series was serialized on ComicWalker in June 2018 and has had eight volumes available since September 2022. Yen Press acquired a license to release the manga in North America.
Eventually, AtelierPontdarc decided to adapt the series into an anime and made its anime debut on July 2022.
Who Is the Main Character of Uncle from Another World?
There are actually two primary characters in Uncle from Another World: Yousuke Shibazaki or "Ojisan" (uncle) and Takafumi Takaoka, his nephew. The story starts after Takafumi picked up his uncle who wakes up from a 17-year coma.
Ojisan got into an accident when he was hit by a truck. When he wakes up, Takafumi discovers that Ojisan can use magic spells and that he had been transported to and came back from a magical world.
Takafumi and his uncle decide to live together, along with Sumika Fujimiya, Takafumi's childhood friend.
The two friends help Ojisan adjust to the modern world while he reminisces about his memories of the other world.
Even after Ojisan came back to the modern world, he seems to be able to use his abilities, which are the Wild Talker and Spirit Magic.
As Takafumi has become aware of his uncle’s powers, he decided to make money out of it through YouTube.
He believed his uncle’s story and is interested in the girls Ojisan met on his journey.
Is Uncle from Another World Worth Watching?
Uncle from Another World is a reverse isekai anime that is filled with humor and fantasy. The story centers on the real world after Ojisan came back from a fantasy world.
Viewers will find it entertaining as Ojisan adapts to and discovers a lot of changes in the modern world.
Anime fans will find themselves hooked and curious to know what happened to Ojisan in the magical world and how he managed to come back.
Uncle from Another World is an enjoyable anime with smooth animation that makes for an entertaining watch. Interested viewers may check it out on Netflix.