Where to Watch and Stream Your Eyes Tell Free Online

Your Eyes Tell poster
Your Eyes Tell
Cast: Yuriko YoshitakaRyusei YokohamaRyosei TayamaKyosuke YabeToru Nomaguchi
Genres: RomanceDrama
Director: Takahiro Miki
A tragic accident lead to Kaori's blindness, but she clings to life and the smaller pleasures it can still afford her. She meets Rui and begins to talk to him. Rui was once a promising kickboxer, but something happened in his past. Kaori's smile brings out a change in Rui. However, the two are connected in more than one way. Rui attempts to do what is right.

How to watch Your Eyes Tell


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Frequently Asked Questions about Your Eyes Tell:

When was Your Eyes Tell released?

The original release date of Your Eyes Tell was on 2020-10-23.

How long is Your Eyes Tell?

Your Eyes Tell is 123 minutes long.

What is the original title of Your Eyes Tell?

The original title of Your Eyes Tell is "きみの瞳が問いかけている".

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