Where to Watch and Stream Something Useful Free Online

Something Useful poster
Something Useful
Cast: Başak KöklükayaÖykü KarayelYiğit ÖzşenerAyşenil Şamlıoğluİbrahim Selim
Genres: Drama
Director: Pelin Esmer
Release Date: Apr 12, 2017
Leyla, a lawyer and a poet, takes the long-distance train to attend her high school reunion dinner. On the train, she meets Canan, a young nursing student in distress. As the conversation develops, Leyla learns that Canan is travelling to assist with the suicide of a paralysed man, Yavuz, who wants to die. At the end of the long over- night trip, surrounded by the stories of people both on and off the train, Leyla decides to accompany Canan on her difficult visit.

How to watch Something Useful

Something Useful is not available to stream now in US.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Something Useful:

When was Something Useful released?

The original release date of Something Useful was on 2017-04-12.

How long is Something Useful?

Something Useful is 107 minutes long.

What is the original title of Something Useful?

The original title of Something Useful is "İşe Yarar Bir Şey".

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