Where to Watch and Stream Didier Free Online

Didier poster
Cast: Jean-Pierre BacriAlain ChabatIsabelle GélinasLionel AbelanskiCaroline Cellier
Genres: Comedy
Director: Alain Chabat
Release Date: Jan 28, 1997
Jean-Pierre Costa is a football manager upon whom fate appears not to be smiling. First, a friend, Annabelle, dumps a pet Labrador named Didier on him whilst she goes off to make a report in Los Angeles. Next, one of his star players is injured, leaving him one player short for a crucial match. As if things could not get any worse, Costa wakes up one morning to find that that Didier has been transformed into a man...

How to watch Didier

Didier is not available to stream now in US.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Didier:

When was Didier released?

The original release date of Didier was on 1997-01-28.

What was the budget for Didier?

Didier had a budget of 11 million USD.

How long is Didier?

Didier is 104 minutes long.

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