Watch Superman Fight Superman in Clip from Crisis on Infinite Earths



Though we aren’t getting another Justice League movie anytime soon, The CW had attempted one ambitious crossover with their Crisis on Infinite Earths event. The crossover brought Brandon Routh back as the Man of Steel, and you can watch him clash with Tyler Hoechlin’s Superman in this clip.

What’s great is, they decided to give Routh’s Superman the John Williams fanfare from the original films. It’s also great that he can still have that ‘Superman presence’ even though it’s been a while since he played the character.

If anything, I think this version of Routh’s Superman isn’t really in the same continuity as the one from Bryan Singer’s movie. It would be tragic to think that Lois Lane, Perry White, and Jimmy Olsen died from an attack from the Joker. There also isn’t an update on what happened to Clark’s son, not even a mention of Lois’ husband from that film.

On the bright side, it’s fun to watch Routh back as Superman. Though some didn’t like the film, I thought Superman Returns was actually heartfelt and spectacular. I also loved Kevin Spacey’s take on Lex Luthor who is mostly hilarious but can be despicable when he needs to be.

For now, the final episodes of Crisis on Infinite Earths are set to come out on Jan. 14, 2020 with Arrow and DC’s Legends of Tomorrow.

Read Also: Crisis on Infinite Earths: Watch Tom Welling's Return as Clark Kent

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