Watch Steven Spielberg Direct Ready Player One Using Virtual Reality

Warner Bros.

Ready Player One turned out to be one of the most spectacular films released this year, and that's largely thanks to the legendary director Steven Spielberg. Of course, tackling Ernie Cline's sci-fi comes with some challenges even though Spielberg remains on the cutting-edge of most storytelling techniques. Shooting a film set in an alternate, not-too-distant future with a digital realm created some obstacles for Spielberg but somehow he managed to pull it off and bring us the world we imagined in Cline's novel.

As the clip reveals, Spielberg used a VR headset to "see" the scene as he storyboarded it, so he can make visual changes in the moment, and craft his scenes before they make it into the camera.

Ready Player One is currently available on digital and will be released in DVD, Blu-Ray, and 4K on July 24.

Read more: Steven Spielberg Suggested a Female Lead for Bumblebee

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