Watch Animation of Marvel’s Stan Lee Praising the F-Word in Original Recording

Seeing that Stan Lee had become a mascot of Marvel Studios, his brand has generally been wholesome when it comes to general audiences. It's important to take note though, that Lee is still a writer, and he has a lot to say about how great the F-word is. Thanks to Aron Fromm, we have an animation of Lee going on about his use of the F-word and it's one of the most versatile tools in the English language.

Watch this (WARNING: NSFW audio):

"It seems to me that that so-called dirty word is probably the most useful word in the English language. Cause it can be a verb, it can be a noun; it can be anything… There's no sentence where you couldn't use it to great advantage."

As I said, Lee's brand is generally wholesome, so it's great when you actually watch him let loose and be a bit raunchy. You don't get to create and build an entire universe yet have reservations when it comes to certain words.

Besides Lee's words, the animation is actually pretty fantastic, and it looks like Disney themselves animated this short of Lee just praising the word "f*ck". While we'll probably never get it when it comes to the PG-13 Marvel universe, things could be changing soon, what with Marvel working on the next Deadpool movie and promising that it would be Rated R.

For now, the next Marvel Studios property, WandaVision, is set to come out on January 15, 2021.

Read Also: Is Marvel Planning on Making Deadpool the Next Stan Lee?