Marvel Studios Pushes Women To Play Prominent Role in WandaVision Creative Team

WandaVision will be coming to Disney+ in 2021 and it looks like essential viewing for Marvel fans since it will directly lead to Doctor Strange and The Multiverse of Madness, which is set to be the first horror MCU film. Fans have high hopes for this, especially since we know nothing about the upcoming WandaVision series, so we're hoping for a few awesome surprises that will leave us asking for more.

The series will be written by a predominantly female creative team, which should be a breath of fresh air. Granted, entertainment quality depends on the talent and not the gender but it's good to know that more diverse writers are getting a chance to display their work on a big project like this. Speaking with Inverse, showrunner Jac Schaeffer discussed why we need more diverse faces and how supportive Marvel has been.

"I felt incredibly strongly that we needed women and people of color and people of all backgrounds and perspectives in the room. I believe — I think it is fact — that stories are better the more perspectives you have."

Hopefully, the move pays off and we see a quality series in WandaVision. Sadly, there will probably be a number of people who will avoid the show now because of this news, even though it stars two attractive white people (one of whom is portraying an android). Here's hoping that isn't the case and we get a worthy prelude to the Doctor Strange sequel.

WandaVision will be coming out in Spring 2021.

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