Venom: Tom Hardy's Favorite Scenes Aren't In the Theatrical Cut

The upcoming Venom movie comes out this week and people don't know how to feel about it just yet. Fans will be able to form opinions once it comes out on Friday, but we might see a few reviews before then. It will be interesting to see how people react to this movie and if it will make enough money to form a Venom Cinematic Universe.

As we wait for the movie, there is one person who is slightly disappointed with it; Tom Hardy. No, he is not trashing the movie before it comes out like Josh Trank did with the release of Fant4stic but he did say that some of his favorite scenes were removed from the theatrical cut.

Sorry, not some of his favorite scenes, all of his favorite scenes.

During an interview with ComicsExplained, Hardy said that all of his favorite scenes were removed from the theatrical cut. Apparently, there are 30 to 40 minutes of footage that Hardy enjoyed and we won't be seeing them in the film. Maybe we will with an R rated extended cut? We'll have to wait and see.

When asked about the scenes, Hardy said that they were filled with dark humor and some mad puppeteering. Admittedly, this makes the movie sound a little disappointing but there's still a whole movie to watch. Only time will tell if this is a good movie on its own right or if it will need an R rated cut to be good ala Batman V Superman.

Venom comes to theaters this week, on October 5.

Read:Venom Will Have Two Post-Credit Scenes

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