Troy Baker to Voice Batman AND Joker in Batman vs. TMNT

Troy Baker is a legend when it comes to video game voice acting, and he's provided voices from The Last of Us, Bioshock: Infinite, and Batman: Arkham Origins. Baker will be starring as Batman in WB Animation's upcoming Batman/TMNT movie, but he's actually playing more than just the Dark Knight.

According to SYFY Wire, Baker will be voicing both Batman and the Joker in the same film. When it came to Arkham Origins, Mark Hamill didn't return to do the Joker voice, leading Baker to take over. A lot of fans praised him for being able to copy the voice almost exactly like Hamill does. With Batman/TMNT, it will be the first case of both Batman and the Joker being played by the same actor.

Baker isn't the only two-for-one actor in the movie as well. Tara Strong will be providing the voice for both Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy in the film. Interesting counting that the two have a romance in the comics. Strong is a veteran voice actor, so I'm sure she can bring enough personality for both characters in the film.

Besides Joker, Harley, and Poison Ivy, the movie also promises to bring a lot more of Batman's rogues to the screen to fight the TMNT. We're going to have appearances from the Penguin, Mr. Freeze, Bane, and Ra's al Ghul. Then again, I have the feeling that these will be more of cameos than actual substantial parts. You can only have so many characters in one movie.

Catch Batman vs. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles when it hits home video late spring.

See Also: WB Animation Working on Batman/TMNT Movie

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