Top 10 Non-Ixalan Dinosaurs in Magic: The Gathering

Images: Wizards of the Coast

Dinosaur cards existed in the Magic: The Gathering multiverse way before Ixalan, the dinosaur-focused set was released. Sure, they were not officially "dinosaurs" back then but right before Ixalan was released, their creature types officially became dinosaurs. A total of 14 cards got updated but in this list, I'm only counting down the 10 best dinosaur cards that were not introduced in Ixalan or Rivals of Ixalan sets. 

Check out the Top 10 non-Ixalan dinosaur cards below: 

  1. Frenetic Raptor

    First set appearance: Legions

    Former type/s: Lizard Beast

    New type/s: Dinosaur Beast

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    This card most likely didn't see competitive play back in the day but the ability to disable other beasts in the field sounds fun, especially if your opponent has more of them. Its flavor text is also nice: 

    "How do you stop a raptor from charging? No, seriously! Help!" ~ Blarg, Goblin Jester

  2. Tyrannax

    First set appearance: Fifth Dawn

    Former type/s: Beast

    New type/s: Dinosaur Beast

    Here's another six-drop dinosaur that could increase its toughness. The art by Carl Critchlow shows a unique kind of dinosaur that makes its look unforgettable. Plus, it tries to be clever with its flavor text: "It outnumbers you one

  3. Shivan Raptor

    First set appearance: Urza's Saga

    Former type/s: Lizard 

    New type/s: Dinosaur

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    I remember getting this card when I was a kid. A 3/1 raptor with First Strike and Haste is not bad even if you have to pay its Echo cost to keep it alive. 

  4. Imperiosaur

    First set appearance: Future Sight

    Former type/s: Lizard

    New type/s: Dinosaur

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    It's a 5/5 dinosaur that you can cast for four but you can only use basic lands to play it. Seeing a ferocious dinosaur in a Future Sight frame is nice, and I thought the flavor text did a good job telling a background story for this creature: 

    An ancient, powerful force has overtaken the valley. I sympathize for its former inhabitants, but I rejoice for the land itself."

    —Olanti, Muraganda druid

  5. Ripscale Predator

    First set appearance: Gatecrash

    Former type/s: Lizard

    New type/s: Dinosaur 

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    You'll need at least two creatures to block this badass dinosaur. The art by Volkan Baga does a great job showing how dangerous this creature is by not just showing the monster's ferocious design but also the struggle of the men fighting it. 

  6. Pangosaur

    First set appearance: Mercadian Masques

    Former type/s: Lizard

    New type/s: Dinosaur

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    A 4-drop 6/6 dinosaur with a drawback but is it really a drawback when you can synergize this creature with enter-the-battlefield effects? That's probably not easy to pull off but you gotta love the design of this card. The art by Mark Tedin, the effect, and the flavor text all fit together. 

  7. Fungusaur

    First set appearance: Limited Edition (Alpha)

    Former type/s: Fungus Lizard

    New type/s: Fungus Dinosaur

    Here's another unique breed of dinosaur that looks more like a shark to me than a dinosaur or a fungus. It was even reprinted in 8th Edition with better art and better flavor text: 

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    Its ability reminds us of Ixalan's dinosaur mechanic, Enrage. 

  8. Magmasaur

    First set appearance: Tempest

    Former type/s: Elemental Lizard

    New type/s: Elemental Dinosaur

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    This looks more like a Pokemon than a Magic creature. A dinosaur that could live in an environment full of magma sounds like an idea that a preschooler came up with but who cares? It's cool! It also has a unique ability that could kill some creatures and spread damage to each player. If I make a dinosaur Commander deck, I'll make sure to include this. I'll probably have to find ways to add +1+1 counters on it. 

  9. Putrid Raptor

    First set appearance: Scourge

    Former type/s: Zombie Lizard Beast

    New type/s: Zombie Dinosaur Beast

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    A zombie dinosaur that could morph and let you discard a zombie from your hand is cool. Maybe Dresden Files author Jim Butcher got the idea from this card when he wrote Dead Beat

  10. Deathmist Raptor

    First set appearance: Dragons of Tarkir

    Former type/s: Lizard Beast

    New type/s: Dinosaur Beast

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    No doubt. This is the best non-Ixalan dinosaur card. Its stats are insane, and unlike the other cards in this list, this actually saw competitive play when it was legal in Standard a few years ago. Being able to bring back multiple Deathmist Raptor from the graveyard face-up or face-down was a fun strategy that made the Morph and Megamorph mechanic exiting to trigger. 


    So what do you think is the best non-Ixalan dinosaur? What's your favorite dinosaur in Magic: The Gathering? Share your thoughts in the comments section below. 

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