The Sandman: Why Was Morpheus Not Saved by Death and The Endless?

The Sandman may have satisfied viewers by providing a brilliant adaptation of Neil Gaiman's works. However, the series also reminded us of some questions that have remained unanswered since the graphic novels were released several decades ago. For instance, people have long been wondering why Morpheus' siblings never came to his rescue when he was imprisoned for almost a century.

The series extends Dream's imprisonment to a full century but we're not going to split straws on a few years. So why did the Endless simply allow their brother to be sealed away for all those years? And why didn't Death herself do anything when she was fully aware that she was the main target in the first place?

The Sandman: Why Was Dream Imprisoned For 100 Years?

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In the series, Morpheus is accidentally captured in a cult ritual headed by Roderick Burgess in an effort to catch Death. Roderick's goal is simple: He wants to force Death to resurrect his son who had died in the First World War. When he realizes he captured a different member of the Endless, he tries to bargain with Dream who remains silent.

Morpheus' imprisonment is decided when the Corinthian tells Roderick that keeping an Endless close could lead to wealth and immortality. And so, the Magus decides to keep Dream in his basement for 100 years.

The Sandman: Why Didn't The Endless Intervene With Morpheus' Imprisonment?

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It was made clear that the Endless were aware that their brother is stuck in an aquarium somewhere but none of them tried to save him. At one point, Death could have easily swooped in when she collected Roderick who died in that basement with Morpheus watching.

Neil Gaiman has offered an explanation for the blind eye. In The Sandman Companion (via CBR), the author stated that it simply isn't part of their nature.

"The reason the Endless didn't free him isn't because they weren't aware of the situation, but because they aren't a superteam; rushing to the rescue isn't what they're about. The Endless stick to hoeing their own farms," Gaiman said.

It's a strange thing to know but one that somehow makes sense. Still, we wouldn't have a truly compelling story if Death had saved her brother right away.

All episodes of The Sandman are now streaming on Netflix.

Related: Neil Gaiman Explains Why The Sandman Is NOT Part of the DC Universe

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