The Batman: Robert Pattinson Still Trying to Get Rid of Twilight Fans

Quick, name a Robert Pattinson film other than The Batman. Your answer is most probably Twilight considering that it was the one movie that made him a Hollywood heartthrob. Interestingly, Pattinson claims that he really wants people to forget he was once a sparkly vampire.

Pattinson recently spoke to The Today Show where he discussed the perils of taking on an iconic role like Edward Cullen or Bruce Wayne. Interestingly, the Lighthouse star believes that people will eventually tire of stalking him.

"I think there's a part of me that thinks it isn't possible to kind of be -- that's what happened in Twilight, it was just so sudden. And that now I'm kind of, I don't know. I'm hoping it won't be people hanging out outside my place," Pattinson said with a laugh. "I just think I'm kind of boring and old now."

There is little doubt that a high-profile role like Batman would probably catapult an unknown actor into superstardom. However, that probably wouldn't be the case for Pattinson, whose first major role was as Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Instead, it might finally allow him to shed the Twilight stigma and be accepted as a serious actor.

For now, it hasn't been confirmed when Pattinson will begin work on The Batman. However, a previous report claims that Warner Bros. is planning to delay production on the DC film to allow Pattinson more time to bulk up for his role as the Caped Crusader.

The Batman will be directed by Matt Reeves and is scheduled for release on June 25, 2021.

Related: The Batman Star Robert Pattinson Reportedly Having Trouble Bulking Up For DC Film

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