The Batman Director Matt Reeves Confirms His Universe Will Never Go 'Full Fantastical'

Robert Pattinson as Batman in The Batman
Credit: Warner Bros.

Robert Pattinson as Batman in The Batman
Credit: Warner Bros.

The Batman director Matt Reeves has confirmed what we've been suspecting regarding the film's universe and its potential fantastical nature.

The first film was praised for its grounded take on the Caped Crusader as it is set in a Gotham City that looks like the real world and seemingly doesn't have any supernatural elements luring on the ground.

However, considering that some of the hero's villains have fantastical and supernatural undertones, some fans are wondering whether it will go beyond being grounded in future films.

Matt Reeves Shuts Down 'Fantastical' Villains in The Batman Universe

Robert Pattinson as Batman in The Batman
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Credit: Warner Bros.

In a recent interview, Reeves shared that he has no plans to feature "fantastical" villains in The Batman universe as it doesn't fit its grounded tone.

"What was important to me was to find a way to take these pop icons, these mythical characters that everybody knows, and translate it so that Gotham feels like a place in our world," he said.

"We might push to the edge of the fantastical but we would never go into full fantastical. It’s meant to feel quite grounded. It doesn’t mean that you won’t see characters that people love. That’s exactly what we want to do."

The director cited Gentleman Ghost as one of the villains that fans won't be expected to be part of The Batman universe.

"Gentleman Ghost is probably pushed a bit too far for us to be able to find a way to do, but there is a fun way to think about how we would take characters that might push over into a bit of the fantastical and find a way to make sense of that," Reeves added.

It's not surprising to hear that they are not featuring any fantastical villains in The Batman universe as we've already seen in the first film that they are only interested in presenting a grounded tone.

The tradition is expected to continue in The Penguin where it will explore the criminal underworld of Gotham City and won't lean too much on the superhero elements of the universe.

It is interesting to see which villains they will feature in the upcoming film, and what kind of grounded take they will do that fits into the rules of the universe.

The Batman - Part II is slated for release in theaters on October 2, 2026.

What do you think of Reeves' remarks? Let us know in the comments!

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