Star Wars: Thrawn Offers a Glimpse of the Grand Admiral’s Network

Grand Admiral Thrawn has always been shadowed as a villain in the Star Wars universe. Granted, Darth Vader will remain as the Big Bad, especially after we saw him revert to his old unyielding self in Rogue One.

However, there's actually one villain who has a more chilling perspective of things, and one who has tactics mastered down pat, albeit in a different manner compared to other villains in any universe.

USA Today managed to get its hands on an excerpt of the upcoming novel Star Wars: Thrawn from author Timothy Zahn. This novel, which is included in the Star Wars novels from the author, gives a glimpse of the Chiss leader's beginnings and preliminary dealings with the Emperor.

What's more, it's also hinted that Thrawn's network spans quite a reach, particularly because it's shown that he already knows about Anakin Skywalker even before he became the full-fledged badass that he is back in Clone Wars. This shows just how many layers are at work within the Star Wars universe.

In the excerpt, fans who may not be familiar with Thrawn can get a sense of what he's like as a ruler and a potential villain in the making. His confidence oozes and we see how he is able to talk his way into the Emperor's midst, and as the report suggests, his kind of leadership is not one that is built on a foundation of lies, but rather one of loyalty. And that can be a far more dangerous thing—at least for Thrawn's enemies.

Star Wars: Thrawn will be out in stores on April 6.

Read:This is what Julian's motivation is in The Flash.

Rogue One's K-2SO was rendered using this technology.

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