Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker's Kelly Marie Tran Calls Rian Johnson a Genius

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker might feature Kelly Marie Tran but fans will barely know that she's there due to her character, Rose Tico, only appearing in a few scenes. This has been an immense disappointment to many since a.) her kiss with Finn is never addressed and b.) the fact that they did nothing with her proves that the people in Disney and LucasFilm are cowards for listening to all the negative fans who hated her.

Despite all of that, Tran has been making the rounds with the press and answering a number of questions. Speaking with The Hollywood Reporter, Tran was asked about the controversial Canto Bight scene from The Last Jedi, which she not only defended but the actress also claimed that Rian Johnson was a genius for including it.

For me, that whole moment of really seeing the people who are profiting off of other people's suffering and oppression is really relevant in the world today. Like you said, it hadn't really been addressed, and I think it's a really beautiful moment. Rian Johnson is a genius.

Admittedly, as a TheLast Jedi stan, even I don't particularly like that scene from the film. However, it's not as bad as some would say and does at least address the war-profiting side of the war that no other Star Wars film has shown. Yeah, it feels like a side story at times but Johnson did at least give us something new with it.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is now showing in theaters.

Read:John Boyega Shades Kylo Ren and Rey's Relationship in The Rise of Skywalker

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