Following the world premiere of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, fans have high hopes for the film to provide a satisfying close to the Skywalker Saga. The film has received quite a mix of reactions and judging from the movie's Rotten Tomatoes score it's not looking good so far.
Episode IX debuts with an underwhelming Rotten Tomatoes score. At the time of this writing, the film has a 57% positive ratings on the site from a total of 157 reviews. And based off of the percentage, the site currently labels this as a rotten score.
The consensus for the film even says that the movie "suffers from a frustrating lack of imagination." However, the site noted that Episode IX "concludes this beloved saga with fan-focused devotion." The statement written is suggesting that the film might have been catered to the fans, as opposed to Rian Johnson's vision of making something that'll surprise the audience and is not focused on providing fanservice.
The film's score is just a tad bit higher than that of The Phantom Menace, which is at 53%, making it the lowest-rated Star Wars movie. It is important to note that The Rise of Skywalker's score could still change over a couple of days or even a couple of hours. Of course, this isn't the final score for the movie yet. That being said, it is unfortunate that the movie made its debut with a rotten score.
Denver Post's John Wenzel said that the movie "earns much of its affection with cameos, callbacks, and other candy" that'll be surely "savored" when watched again.
RogerEbert's Brian Tallerico thought that it just had "enough trills to satisfy fans." However, he noted that one could see where the ride begins and ends.
Adam Graham from Detroit News thinks that Episode IX "feels like a shrug of the shoulders and a march into the expected." While London Evening Standard's Charlotte O'Sullivan said the movie is "imperfect" but offers "nostalgia."
It is pretty evident that the film has mixed reviews, some people liked Abrams' creative choices, while others completely didn't. Regardless, everyone has their own opinion and there is still a possibility that the score could go way up or way down.
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker hits theaters on December 20
Also Read: Star Wars: John Boyega Trolls Fans with a 'Sneak Peek' at The Rise of Skywalker Opening Crawl
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Episode IX