Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is looking like a solid way to end this current trilogy and is expected to put an exclamation point in this long-running Skywalker Saga. We're all looking forward to seeing Rey's true potential, her final battle with Kylo Ren, and who her parents really are, even though The Last Jedi gave us a solid explanation for that plot point. FIGHT ME.
Well, we're all hoping that director J.J. Abrams nails this ending but the director has decided to troll fans a bit by telling The New York Times that he's not very good at ending things. This would be a bit worrisome if he didn't have a decent track record when it comes to movies but he does, so fans need to chill out.
"I've never been great at endings. I don't actually think I'm good at anything, but I know how to begin a story. Ending a story is tough."
Admittedly, he does have a few stinkers here and there. Star Trek: Into Darkness was a movie with great performances and started out really strong but had some stupid moments, like that one girl who took off her clothes for no reason and the ending that involves super blood that brings people back to life.
Let's hope that The Rise of Skywalker doesn't include some super blood that brings people back to life. Then again, maybe that's how Palpatine comes back.
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker comes out on December 20.
Read:New Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Clip Confirms Palpatine is [SPOILERS] All Along
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