Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Blu-Ray Trailer Spoils the Ending for Everyone

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker will go down in history as one of the most infamous franchise films out there, ending the first Disney-produced Star Wars trilogy with plenty of mixed opinions. The novelization hasn't helped either. Even with all of that, fans of this franchise are probably going to pick up the Blu-Ray when it comes out on March 31, partly because they think it's an okay movie and mostly due to them having copies of the other films.

In case you're a Blu-Ray collector who doesn't watch the movies until they buy it in stores, Disney and LucasFilm have decided to spoil The Rise of Skywalker's ending for some reason. Granted, most Star Wars fans have already seen the movie in theaters but those who are waiting for it to appear on Blu-Ray or Disney+ might find this disappointing.

No joke, the final clip (SPOILERS) of this trailer has the reveal of Rey calling herself "Rey Skywalker," even though she's technically a Palpatine.

Yes, the spoiler is many months old by this point but not everyone gets into your favorite franchise the same way as your hardcore fans do Disney. Now, to be fair, there are plenty of fans who are unbothered by spoilers so this probably isn't even a big deal to many readers. This is simply an overreaction from a writer who isn't a fan of spoilers, no matter how old a series is but there's a very good chance a lot of people don't even care about this.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker hits digital stores on March 17, while the Blu-Ray comes out on March 31. Save your money fans! May the Force be with you.

Read:Star Wars: Rey Almost Built a Double-Bladed Lightsaber in The Rise of Skywalker

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