Star Wars: The Hidden Message Behind Rey's Theme

John Williams is a genius when it comes to composing music for cinema, and he has done some splendid work with Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Williams has composed some new themes and scores for the characters of the sequel trilogy, but there’s actually this neat message hidden in Rey’s theme.

Watch this analysis from Sideways on Youtube:

It’s interesting how the video explores Williams’ use for the different themes in the Star Wars universe, and it’s amazing how the music has evolved since the original trilogy all the way to the sequels. What’s cool about Rey’s theme though, is that it can mesh perfectly with both themes from Light and Dark—perfect for a saga where it’s unclear where Rey’s direction will end up.

Even Kylo Ren’s theme is a bit unique, and it is almost the same with Rey in the sense that it can mesh with both themes from Good and Evil; perfect for the torn Ben Solo. This way, his theme would work perfectly if he decided to come back to the light.

Williams has been in the industry for decades, and his work is still a testament to his talent. With his age, I’m hopeful that he still gets to finish as many Star Wars films as he wants. It’ll be a dark day when Willaims decides to be through with the franchise.


Star Wars: The Last Jedi is now out in theaters.

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