Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, though poorly received, was full of memorable scenes, and one, in particular, had Ben Solo receiving a lightsaber from Rey and shrugging before taking on the Knights of Ren. What's fun is, the internet has come up with the #BenSoloChallenge, and people are posting up videos of themselves drawing lightsabers, shrugging, then swinging wildly.
Check them out:
Apparently the meme was started out by@testtube27 on Twitter, and the post has since gotten 11.3k likes. Just in case you don't know what scene he's mimicking, it's this one from the film:
While a lot of negativity is coming out online from The Rise of Skywalker, it's great to know that the fans can still agree on a few things. For one, everyone was happy to see Ben Solo redeemed, and though people didn't like how it ended, watching Ben take on the Knights of Ren and wielding a blue lightsaber is still fantastic.
For now, The Rise of Skywalker is admittedly not performing as well as The Last Jedi, and there is now a rumor coming out that Disney had heavily meddled with the film. As a fan of J.J. Abrams, it was kind of weird to watch TROS unfold; I mean, sure Abrams like to have his movies fast-paced, but the execution of the film was just downright confusing. The studio meddling is an explanation that definitely makes sense.
Catch Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker now in theaters.
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