Star Wars: Luke's Lightsaber in ESB has the Words 'NEW YORK' at the Bottom of It

The Lucasfilm Story Group's Pablo Hidalgo has always been a source of neat trivia from the franchise, and once in a while, he'll give us some interesting reveals about the galaxy far far away. Just in, he shares this piece of trivia from Empire Strikes Back: You can read the words "NEW YORK" at the bottom of Luke's lightsaber.

Check it out:

One of the neat things about Star Wars is the ragtag way the film was put together behind the scenes, with common everyday objects being modified to become sci-fi props. Luke's lightsaber was famously made out of a flash gun from a camera. You'd think they would have removed the "NEW YORK" engraving for the film, but it's barely noticeable so maybe it was left in as some kind of Easter Egg.

With cameras being way sharper now, I'm sure the new Skywalker lightsaber doesn't have that goof in it anymore because fans will surely spot it this time around. With channels on Youtube dedicated to breaking down every single frame of trailers, no Easter Egg is safe, and trailers will almost always spoil the film that studios have resorted to digitally altering shots to keep people in the dark.

It's still a few months away, but you can catch Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker in theaters Dec. 20.

See Also: Marvel's Next Star Wars Arc Takes Place Before 'The Empire Strikes Back'