Star Wars Fans Go Berserk as Luke Skywalker is Hailed the Sequel Trilogy's Main Villain

Credit: Lucasfilm

Credit: Lucasfilm

I think we can all agree that the Star Wars sequel trilogy has remained one of the most debated things about the franchise. Despite already concluding four years ago, Episodes VII, VIII, and IX are still the subject of discourse online and it's something most of us have gotten so used to.

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Credit: Lucasfilm

Just recently, the sequels were once again put in the spotlight after the internet sparked a major discussion about the trilogy's actual main villain.

It can be argued that Palpatine, who was pulling the strings all along could be considered the sequels' main baddie but to many, Kylo Ren is undoubtedly the main antagonist.

Well, Twitter page @thedankstarwars begs to differ and posted a controversial take on the platform, claiming that the sequel trilogy's big bad wasn't actually Ben Solo, but instead Jedi Master Luke Skywalker.

Using the trending "the villain/the real villain" template, the unexpected take lit a fire under the fandom who weren't going to take a Luke Skywalker slander. After catching fire for the tweet, the user backpedaled on their statement, saying that it was all in good fun.

Check out some of the reactions below:

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Even without his clarification, it isn't hard to tell that the user was just trolling to generate unnecessary fuss online. We all know that Luke is as goody-two-shoes as it gets and if there's one Star Wars character who does not have a single villainous tendency, it's undoubtedly him.

Meanwhile, all of your Star Wars favorites — from movies to series are available to stream on Disney+.