Star Wars: Episode IX Leak Claims Anakin Has Been Mentoring Luke From the Netherworld

Star Wars: Episode IX will mark the end of the Skywalker saga, so it is expected that Anakin will be featured in the film in some way, shape, or form. If a brand new leak is to be believed, his presence in the upcoming film will have to do with a secret of his being revealed.

YouTuber and Star Wars enthusiast Mike Zeroh has recently detailed what he claims to be a leaked description from the movie. It apparently involves Rey and Luke discussing the Force as they stand on the Prime Jedi mosaic, presumably in Ahch-To where it was first glimpsed in The Last Jedi. There, the Jedi master is reportedly talking to his apprentice about his father, Anakin.

He reveals to her that Anakin learned new Force powers in the netherworld. One of them is reportedly Force Projection or Doppelganger Technique, which he taught to Luke.

During The Last Jedi, Anakin was apparently speaking to him so that he will be able to successfully pull off the move. As per the leak, Luke also reportedly outright says that Force ghosts have the ability to teach mortals about the powers they learn in the netherworld.

Zeroh points out that this leak is in line with The Last Jedi novelization, where Luke hears a mysterious voice asking him to let go while he was Force projecting. The book left fans to wonder whose voice was it, but it seems that it is Anakin all along.

If this Star Wars: Episode IX leak is anything to go by, the film will be quite a game-changer as far as what Force ghosts can and cannot do. The franchise hasn't really explored this side of the lore, but it looks like J.J. Abrams has a lot of big things planned, apparently even a visit to the actual netherworld itself. The Last Jedi has delved into this concept a bit by showing Yoda can physically summon a lightning strike from the netherworld to destroy the Force tree.

However, the existence of this special realm for the souls of Force-sensitives is hardly new. George Lucas first conceived the idea while writing for Return of the Jedi. In a rough draft for that film, it was indicated that one can get stronger upon reaching this dimension. The concept of the netherworld was also mentioned in Revenge of the Sith.

While there is no way of knowing yet, the fact Star Wars: Episode IX will be the end of the line for the Skywalkers makes this leak pretty exciting. The original characters are expected to be honored greatly and this moment is definitely going to be one way to do that. It is very special knowing that Luke and Anakin didn't have a lot of time to bond as father and son when they were still alive.

This would also suggest that they have been communing for a while to allow the older Skywalker to teach his son what is believed to be quite a difficult technique.

Star Wars: Episode IX hits the theaters December 20.

Also Read: Oscar Isaac Teases Huge Role for C-3PO in Star Wars: Episode IX

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