Star Wars’ Daisy Ridley Seemingly Spoils Rey's Parentage in The Rise of Skywalker

It looks like Star Wars actress Daisy Ridley may have accidentally given away too much information about the truth about Rey's origin in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.

In Star Wars: The Last Jedi, fans see Rey learning from Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) that her parents were people of no consequence - two drunken junkers who had traded their daughter for more drinking money. Though Episode VIII director Rian Johnson says that Kylo Ren was telling the truth, fans are hoping that The Rise of Skywalker reveals Rey to be the daughter of a legacy character. Some are hoping that the heroine is connected to Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill). Others are hoping that she's the offspring of Obi-Wan Kenobi.

But that might not be the case.

Ridley just recently attended this year's CCXP convention in Brazil, and during the convention, the actress got to speak with fans about the third and final sequel trilogy entry, The Rise of Skywalker.

According to a Star Wars fan present at the event, Ridley gave a huge tease for the truth about Rey's origin in Episode IX.

"Daisy Ridley says that she expects that the legacy Rey leaves after The Rise of Skywalker is that anyone can choose his own families," the tweet reads.

The Rise of Skywalker might not really be planning on tweaking the parentage that Kylo Ren revealed in The Last Jedi. That or the tease may confirm the alleged leak that Rey is actually "a Palpatine by blood or a Skywalker by choice."

Whatever the answer, we know that Rey is going to choose the family that she wants in Episode IX.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker premieres December 20, 2019.

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