Star Wars: Daisy Ridley Says Palpatine's Return Had To Happen In The Rise Of Skywalker

The return of Emperor Sheev Palpatine is undoubtedly one of the most surprising things that will happen in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. However, Daisy Ridley claims that it is something that was meant to happen right from the start. Interestingly, the Chaos Walking actress revealed that Palpatine's return is a crucial part of the film.

Ridley recently spoke to IGN after she joined the cast of The Rise of Skywalker at D23 Expo 2019. The Ophelia star stated that the Sith Lord's comeback is something that has always been planned for the sequel trilogy.

"He's the biggest baddie in Star Wars history. Now that we've done the story, I'm like, it couldn't have happened any other way," Ridley said. "It had to be that. But he's very instrumental to the plot of the film."

It certainly sounds like Palpatine continues to be the real Big Bad in the Star Wars Universe although he was supposedly killed off in Return of the Jedi. Interestingly, Ridley also confirmed that Sheev isn't going to have a magical return in The Rise of Skywalker.

"It's not just like he appears again; it's all explained," she said.

Well, there goes my theory that Palpatine is Rey's fairy godmother. Seriously though, it better be a good explanation.

There have been speculations that Rey is turning to the Dark Side, thanks to the new TROS footage that was screened at D23. In the footage, Rey is wielding a double-sided red lightsaber and wearing a black hood. Hopefully, we'll get to see more of that when a new trailer is dropped.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker will hit theaters on December 20.

Related: Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker D23 Footage Teased Darth Vader's Return

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